Best Practice Advisory: "GO TO CLASS!" - An Interactive Quiz For the New College Girl

Best Practice Advisory: "GO TO CLASS!" - An Interactive Quiz For the New College Girl

You have unpacked your dorm, posted your pictures, printed your syllabi, navigated the campus, and finally decided whether or not you like your roommate. You are free, grown, and [most importantly] a certified college girl!

Right now, I'm sure you're getting lot's of advice  

"Don't walk around campus at night alone."

"Wear shower shoes."

"Watch out for that 'freshman 15' girl!" 

Instead of giving very general advice, let's figure out what kind of College Girl you are.  Take the quiz below and find the advice that's perfect for you!

But everyone should go to class!

Best Practice Advisory: The Art of E-Dating & Apps as "Insecure" Characters

Best Practice Advisory: The Art of E-Dating & Apps as "Insecure" Characters

Best Practice Advisory : Post Graduation Stress Disorder (PGSD)

Best Practice Advisory : Post Graduation Stress Disorder (PGSD)